Turkey at a glance

  • 1 Forward Pipeline
  • Downloadable data
  • National coverage
  • All sectors covered

Country overview

Despite some financial and political uncertainty since 2017, Turkey has managed to increase investment, including several major PPPs, resulting in some of the highest values of PPP infrastructure deals and private infrastructure investment globally.

Governance structure

Turkey operates under a civil law system with two major levels of government: national and local, the latter comprised of provincial and municipal governments. The majority of infrastructure delivery is managed by the national government, with localised infrastructure the responsibility of local government.


Top Performing Metrics

Top Performing Metrics

This is defined by the metrics with the highest unweighted score out of 100. 

Upper-middle income country average


Investing in infrastructure and PPP in Turkey

This is a Republic of Turkey Investment Office brochure highlighting some of the investment opportunities in different sectors in Turkey, including expected tenders.


Forward Pipeline



Update Frequency


Data Downloadable


Scope Criteria


Envision Srl Tile image .png

National Infrastructure Banks

In tandem with the development of forward pipelines, the National Infrastructure Banks and Similar Financing Facilities tool serves as guidance to governments looking to establish or reform National Infrastructure Banks. These institutions can maximise the quantity and quality of infrastructure projects and crowd in private investment, providing value for end users. National Infrastructure Banks provide the financing, expertise, and long-term planning for both public and private stakeholders to develop infrastructure in line with the needs of the community.