Mexico at a glance

  • 2 Forward Pipelines
  • Downloadable data
  • National coverage
  • All sectors covered

Country overview

At the federal level, Mexico’s public procurement processes are transparent and, as of 2017, there are new guidelines specifically for infrastructure and PPP projects. According to the World Bank, Mexico’s processes for the procurement of PPPs and contract management of PPPs during delivery and operations are highly rated. Mexico also has favourable regulatory conditions for investing in infrastructure, supported by a stable financial sector.

Governance structure

The Mexican legal system follows the civil law tradition and is ruled according to the country's constitution written in 1917. Mexico has three levels of government: the Federal Union, the state governments, and municipal governments. Through a decentralisation push in recent decades, states and municipal governments have increased ownership and responsibility for delivering public infrastructure, but the Federal Union is still the primary deliverer and owner.


Top Performing Metrics

Top Performing Metrics

This is defined by the metrics with the highest unweighted score out of 100. 

Upper-middle income country average

Financial markets:
Financial stability


Infraestructura Abierta

This is an aggregation of tenders and procurement data for the Neuvo Leon region.


Forward Pipeline



Update Frequency


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LATAM Projects Hub

The LATAM Projects Hub platform is a regional hub that collates all infrastructure and energy opportunities in a pipeline for private investment in the region. It provides up-to-date information on opportunities and tracks information across the whole project lifecycle.


Forward Pipeline

Update Frequency


Data Downloadable


Mexico Projects Hub

This government-run investment opportunities pipeline is managed by the National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras).


Forward Pipeline



Update Frequency


Data Downloadable


Scope Criteria

PPPs, private

Envision Srl Tile image .png

National Infrastructure Banks

In tandem with the development of forward pipelines, the National Infrastructure Banks and Similar Financing Facilities tool serves as guidance to governments looking to establish or reform National Infrastructure Banks. These institutions can maximise the quantity and quality of infrastructure projects and crowd in private investment, providing value for end users. National Infrastructure Banks provide the financing, expertise, and long-term planning for both public and private stakeholders to develop infrastructure in line with the needs of the community.